Orchard Church - Murrieta, CA

"Vantage Pro is stacked with over a hundred years of experience with their leadership and it shows. Very professional and quick to address the needs of the customer." - Kasey Embry, Worship Pastor, Orchard Church
Ask Pastor Jim Jackson of The Orchard Church about their growth, and he’ll tell you that everything about The Orchard is a miracle. The way they started, they way they’ve grown, and the way God has been transforming lives has truly been a miracle. It makes sense that the story of their new facility is every bit as miraculous.
For years, The Orchard had been bursting at the seems of their 200 seat auditorium in Temecula, often having just as many attending each service outside on the patio as they could fit on the inside of their auditorium. For years they attempted to acquire a larger space to move The Orchard to, but it wasn’t until God opened the doors of a furniture store in Murrieta that it finally became time to move The Orchard to a space that could allow one of the fastest growing churches in the U.S. to continue to grow. In 9 short months in their new home, they are already filling their new 1,200 seat auditorium with 3 services per Sunday. God is truly doing miraculous things in Murrieta at The Orchard.
The amount of planning required and details to track throughout construction of a project of this magnitude requires a close partnership and a great team watching over every aspect of the project. It all starts with a design that was focused on Orchard Church’s unique vision and DNA, the critical first step to ensuring that every dollar spent in this new facility was effective in helping continue their growth. The Orchard Church team turned to Vantage Pro and their exclusive Foresight Design process to ensure the target was right from day one, starting with the 3-day Foresight Design Kickoff. The Orchard Church and Vantage Pro teams started day 1 by building a vision for this new space, and by the end of day 3 the teams reviewed full concept designs and budgets, allowing for real time adjustments, ensuring both the design and budget were on target.
Beyond expanding their seating by 600%, one of their highest priorities was to substantially improve their audio experience. To provide outstanding audio in a space that didn’t yet exist, the Vantage Pro team did extensive modeling through the Foresight Design Kickoff, looking at multiple speaker systems that would provide the full, consistent sound the church wanted despite the challenges of a lower ceiling height and rigging limitations. Martin Audio’s Wavefront Precision line arrays were ultimately chosen as they provided the perfect blend of full sound and compact, lightweight speakers to deliver the experience the church was looking for. A great sound system is only one part of the equation though, acoustical modeling showed a critical need for both diffusion and absorption to compliment the effectiveness of the speaker system. Vantage Pro designed a saw tooth wall shape to help diffuse side-to-side room reflections, with absorption coverage designed for the back walls to minimize reflections from the speaker system.
The Orchard Church team also had big dreams about what their space would look like. Pastor Jim sketched out a concept of truss over the house and stage that the Vantage Pro team built into a digital model, becoming over 250’ of Tyler Truss serving as both the lighting rigging points and a key visual design element for the space. Lighting was added both in and on the truss, balancing the need for lighting for video with the dynamic color, movement, and stage looks that the Orchard Church team wanted. To make the room fully immersive visually, full color LED house lighting and accent lighting on the saw tooth walls were added, enveloping every seat as part of the visual experience. The room was big enough to need image magnification, discussions landed on having two 18-20’ wide LED walls on each side of the stage. The original vision also included an 18’ tall by 60’ wide LED wall as the upstage wall, though budget and weight load constraints discussed during the Foresight Design Kickoff led to compromise of a 32’ wide by 6.5’ tall center LED wall.
Streaming has been a huge part of helping Orchard Church’s growth, and the team wanted to drastically increase their online presence in the new building. Maximizing the dollars spent on cameras with the ability to move them around to each venue, allowing them to stream ancillary events from their broadcast control room, became the key driver for their new video system. Their new cameras had to be budget friendly, durable enough to move around from the Sanctuary to other venues, and do a great job of capturing video in both a controlled, dynamic lighting environment (Sanctuary) in addition to other venues where lighting isn’t designed for video. A versatile method of video transport had to be thought through for the campus as well, and multiple options were discussed during the Foresight Design Kickoff. The final decision choice was to build a robust NDI infrastructure on their campus, enabling their cameras and computers to plug and play in any venue, allowing them to be online quickly and easily. Additionally, that NDI infrastructure handles all their video distribution, delivering video from the Sanctuary and their announcement feeds to all of their venues in addition to the lobby and green room.
The Vantage Pro team worked closely with the Orchard Church and Grant Construction teams throughout construction, ensuring the details were right and when adjustments were necessary, changes were made with a focus on keeping the end vision intact. The well planned, vision focused design was then expertly installed by the Vantage Pro team, ensuring the systems worked exactly as planned, with room for the church to grow as their needs changed. The results of the 18 month build process are stunning, and because of the miracles God continues to do at Orchard Church, they are growing faster than ever before.
“The Orchard Church Team was amazing to work with. They had such a clear vision of who they are and how they do ministry, we were able to deliver exactly what they needed,” says Marc Breda, Project Lead for Vantage Pro. “Their systems are really impressive, and it’s been amazing to work with their team and train them how to use them. I love how far they’ve come, and can’t wait to see how they use their systems to continue to grow.”
For more information on how we can help your church, contact us at hello@vantageproav.com
Check out our YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/@vantageproav
Broadcast Video
Theatrical Lighting
House Lighting