Church On The Hill - Riverside, CA

Church on The Hill, founded as First Baptist Church of Riverside in 1874, has a rich history of ministry in Riverside, CA. While the church was located in downtown Riverside until 1965, moving to a new location didn’t change their mission of connecting the next generation of Riverside people to Jesus Christ. Meeting people where they are has long been the vision for Church on the Hill, starting a preschool in 1967, and building apartments for low-income seniors in 1973. Being involved in the community, and engaging people to meet Jesus, has been in their DNA for decades.
The team at Church on the Hill reached out to Vantage Pro to address issues with their outreach to the community. First, their nearly 60 year-old facility, while beautiful was creating some challenges for those in the room with trying to engage in worship and the message. Substantial ambient light from the stained-glass windows made their projection system ineffective, meaning newcomers wouldn’t be able to see the words to the worship songs, or be able to follow along with scripture during the preaching. While their screens didn’t need to be large, they did need to be bright enough to still be effective with the light coming in from the windows. Replacing their projection screen bays with a pair of 9.45’ x 7.1’ Absen NX2.5 LED walls not only means everyone can engage fully regardless of the sunlight, but removing the oversize project bays gives a cleaner and simpler look, allowing the beauty of the building to shine more than the screens. “I love how much cleaner their room looks without the projection bays,” says Van Metschke, Church Relations for Vantage Pro. “The screens almost float on the sides of the stage, and the congregation loves how clear the screens are, even in direct sunlight.”
Expanding their outreach outside the church was the other dream for Church on the Hill, improving their online streaming to be a better representation of their ministry to those who were considering attending. Being a smaller, volunteer driven church, the challenge presented to Vantage Pro was to substantially upgrade their streaming system while keeping it volunteer friendly. “We needed a small system that one person could run that felt like a 4-camera, professional video system,” explains Isaiah Franco, Project Lead for Vantage Pro. “The Datavideo Showcast 100 switcher allows one person and a couple of PTZ cameras (pan, tilt, zoom) to create a professional production that seems much larger than it is, all while keeping things simple.” A pair of Datavideo PTC-140 cameras completed the system, with the Showcast 100 handling switching, camera control, and direct streaming to Youtube and Facebook Live.
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